Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How To Attract Leads to Your Business in 4 Simple Steps

"The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson #Quote

First know your audience, then follow these 4 simple steps:
  1. Know what problems they are having and what hurts them the most. 
  2. Show them a realistic solution you offer to help them solve their problems. 
  3. Show them some proof of how this solution is helping others in the form of a testimonial.
  4. Tell them what action they should take next.
Ask yourself, "What is it that my prospects really want?" This works for online and offline businesses. Many people turn to online marketing because of weakness. They don't want to pick up the phone and call people. Maybe they get hung up on. And even better, maybe they get cursed out and they get ringing ear from the telephone slamming in the cradle. (If the prospect still owns a land line.) Ouch!

One of my greatest mentors, Mr. Ray Higdon from, says some people do not want to learn how to become better communicators. They don't want to learn what to say to attract people. They pray leads will come to them. They don't want to hear this: If you want to build wealth, you have to have a strong mindset and learn the skills for attracting prospects to your business. For a Free 10 Day Attraction Marketing Boot Camp, click here.

When people join your newsletter, your membership site, or your network marketing company, they are joining someone they know, like and trust. If you are in business, you are in the people business.

If you get a lead and you don't call them on the phone, someone else is going to call them, and they are going to become someone else's customer or team member. Someone else is going to sign them up. Learn how to speak on the phone. Practice how you sound on your phone. Make calls using Skype and record them with this free app here. Just be sure to mention you are recording the call for quality and training purposes.

Someone asked Mike Dilliard, a very famous and successful internet marketer when he would actually ask his friends and family to become customers. He said you should ask them whenever you don't care if they become your customer, or join your organization or not. This is how we posture. If your business is network marketing or affiliate marketing, you have the opportunity to change the world. We know this, but most people do not.

We must have a strong mindset to implement the 4 simple steps to attract more leads into our business. We are, not like,  "Please join. Please please please join if you are my friend or family and you love me." This is not about begging people to do business with you. This isn't about helping people save money. This is about helping people live better lives. This is about us making someone's life better.  

We want to find out if our prospects are qualified to work with us. This is about us attracting the right people to work with. For a FREE 10 Day Boot Camp on How To Attract Prospects To You, click here. We want to know if prospects are open-minded enough to work with us. We are finding out if they qualify for our time. This is posture along with having a strong mindset. 

You also want to be open-minded enough to talk to the people you already know. Look at the contacts in your phone. There are people in your phone who are in the same situation you are in or you were once in. Someone is facing the problems you can help them solve. Someone wants to improve their life. Some people want to stop having more month at the end of the money. Someone in your phone wants to get out of the rat race. Your solution is what they are looking for. Call them.

Practice what you will say to your prospects. Practice your scripts. Practice asking questions. Record yourself with your phone. Listen to how you sound. If you don't like the way you sound, change it. If network marketing is your profession, ask people, "Would you be open to a side project if it didn't interfere with what you have going on right now?" Who cares if they say no? Go to the next one. Your job is done. You did your job. You asked.

If you are a business owner, you are a people person. So, call your leads. Use a phone number on your opt-in lead capture pages and pick up the phone and call them. Stay on the phone with them while they view your offer or presentation. Ask them if they are in front of their computer. Say, you'll wait right here while they are viewing. Tell them, " I'm going to stay right here with you until you watch this." After they watch the presentation, ask them why they are open. Ask them what recently has changed in their life that has you open to a home-based business, or whatever your business is. Make a note of it. These are their pain points and will help you close your prospect. You are digging for information. "What has you open?", "What has happened to you in your life?"

Be prepared for people to ask what the side project is all about before you get their contact information. Be ready to promise them you will follow up with them and let them know what this is all about when you have an opening in your schedule.

Use a break in communication. This is a real or a fabricated story about why you have to go right now and you will promise to follow up with them. This is the reason why you need to keep your conversation short. 

Focus on the people. Ask a lot of questions. Most people don't like sales or coaching. Sign up for Free 10 Day Attraction Marketing Boot Camp here. Like and Share if you like this post. Sharing is caring.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

How to Stream Facebook Live from Your Computer

Watch this video to learn how to stream your computer screen to facebook live. Using this method, your video will be saved on your computer so you can edit it and upload it to YouTube or other popular video hosting sites and use it as a post on your website or blog.

This helps your website or blog become sticky if you are using a facebook pixel on your website or blog to help you build a custom audience for your facebook advertising.

For a Free 10 Day Attraction Marketing Boot Camp, click here.

Like Stella Davila Group on facebook here.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Use The Power of "I AM" For Self Development

Paul Gravette, an extremely successful entrepreneur, recommends this exercise to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Paul is the co-owner of a health and wellness company.

To find out more about Paul's business click here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Very Big Fish!

Today I had Another Big Fish On the Line!

Recently I caught a big catfish at the creek with a lure and I had a couple of dinners and the fish was excellent to eat!

Recently, I have been diagnosed as over weight and my blood has high levels of lipoids, therefore I have been going for walks with my neighbor and I am unable to eat fried food.

I cooked the meat from this fish in a cast iron skillet on my propane stove. I pan seared the fish with soy sauce, garlic, onion and a couple of slivers of Carolina Reaper my neighbor grows. (Do not eat whole Carolina Reaper like my walking neighbor did! It is the hottest pepper on earth and if you do eat it, be sure to have some ice cream handy just in case.)

The very next day I walked by the creek, I hooked another large fish. I believe it was a Florida Snook, but he got off by running the line against a channel marker in the creek. I went back there today and this very intelligent fish did it again. Now I have located this one person boat I need to catch this big fish.


Today, I had another big fish on the line. Watch my story on Snap Chat and go on my walk with me. Add @stella_davila.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Free Coaching Friday Notes from Ray Higdon Valuable MLM Training

I look forward to Ray's Periscope every Friday and Facebook Live Stream where he offers tips on how to build your network marketing team. Ray delivers incredible value to the network marketing industry. Here are my notes from this past Friday's training. 

Ray asks his audience for questions about a stumbling block his audience is having recruiting people for multi-level marketing. If Ray likes your question, (which he will answer during the stream), he may send the viewer his Home Business Fast Start CD.

The first question was posted by San Diego Girl Pam. The question SDG Pam asked was, "I love my network marketing company and my product, do I brand both?" Ray suggests she focus on one thing. She should ask herself which one she likes best. Which one she is enthusiastic about the most. The product or the opportunity to start a home business.

Over the last 6 years, Ray has published over 1800 blog posts, therefore, running 2 blogs is probably very difficult. However, when you blog, Ray does not suggest blogging about your network marketing company because there is always some type of negative feedback about every company which can be found on the Internet. In my own words, there is always some unhappy camper in every network marketing company.

Peter from London, asked, "What is Posture?" Ray tells us, "Posture is the belief in something without the need for external acceptance or approval." Many people who join this business are persuaded in a negative way by their prospects usually because they have not been trained correctly, Therefore if you seek acceptance and approval from your friends and family, be ready for resistance, since most people do not have their own business. And, most have a job they do not like. Most people are not living the life of their dreams. And most people will not give you acceptance or approval of something which is not the paradigm so you will not find acceptance or approval of your network marketing company.  Research shows Millenniums will need over $2000 a month for retirement. Who is ready for that?  

Since this network marketing business is different, people will say it is a scam and develop all kinds of negativity about it. People will expect you to fail. Some will even tell you that you will fail and unless you let it get to you and let this stop you from pursuing your dreams, then you do not require acceptance or approval from others of what you are doing. If someone does not believe in network marketing, Ray does not let it bother him. One of Ray's clients, Robert Hollis, has generated over $46 million dollars in network marketing. You can read his book, "How Is That Working: A Roadmap from Rat Race to Freedom" here. Also available in Spanish here.

Ray's posture is this:

Someone comes to you and says buying electricity is a scam. Ray does not believe this nor allows it to bother him or stop him from achieving his goals. You believe in what you are involved in and you keep working on your business. 

Ray believes posture determines your failure or success in network marketing. You do not need to change people's belief or beg them to join. Ray does not have the desire to close every person he meets. He looks for people who are open and then goes from there. Ray encourages everyone to take this stance about their network marketing business.

If Ray wants to attract great clients, then Ray needs to be a great client as well. If you want great prospects, become a great prospect. Ask yourself what the traits are of the prospect you would like to find. Make a list. Here is my list:
  1. Positive mental attitude about owning their own business.
  2. Motivated to build a team of professionals.
  3. Wants an above average better life.
  4. Wants to be a better person interested in self-development.
  5. Is coach-able.
  6. Likes training.
Be the person you are looking for to join your team.

Happy Marketing!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

My notes from "The Switch" by Ray Higdon

I have a habit of listening to successful people everyday, and this morning I was listening to Ray Higdon. Ray teaches network marketers how to recruit more reps. Ray Higdon can teach any Entrepreneur how to be successful in any business.

This morning, Ray, shared "The Switch" on Periscope. "The Switch" was the the mindset Ray had to have to go from foreclosure and being broke to making his first $10,000 in a month in network marketing.

Ray worked in corporate America doing his 45 year plan . He was working for someone else's dreams to come true. Ray was trading his time for money. He was doing something he felt he had to do. Not something he loved doing. And just by looking around, he knew it wasn't what he wanted to do the rest of his life. So, he left and started his real estate career in 2005. Ray was doing well, but when the market changed, Ray took a hard hit and lost it all. 

Ray became depressed and went into foreclosure and he started to beat himself up over it. He was in huge debt. He was hiding from bill collectors. (God knows I know what that's like.) It sucks. He was so negative about his life. (My friends and family can attest how negative I have been about my circumstances.)

Then, he made the switch from depression to anger. (I totally get it. I am very angry.) Ray believes you should be angry about your poverty. (I am.) It sucks. The switch was on changing his focus from poor me, to doing something about it. Instead of thinking about what is wrong with your life, make yourself so busy, you can't think about how bad things are. Think about all the work your doing to make changes in your life. Focus on the work instead. Someone told me once when I was in a bowling tournament many years ago that if I kept doing what I was doing I was going to keep getting what I've got.

And Ray, says you just have to stay hungry. Keep pushing forward. Don't give up. Then, all your hard work will pay off. I know how hard it is to go out there and talk to people and write blogs and send emails and launch websites and never make a dollar. I started an e-commerce website in 2010 and invested my last dollar and spent hours optimizing and doing keyword research , still nothing. Only one person bought a flashlight. I had to take the website down. I had to keep going and keep trying.

So, if you are trying to build something like an organization from home, stay focused and keep on believing in yourself and your higher power. And ask yourself, "Am I inspired, or am I defeated?" - Robert Kiyosaki 

Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Become An Awesome Sales and Recruiting Rock Star

Here is your hands down, no fluff sales and network marketing training with scripts you may use to become the network marketing or mlm sales and recruiting top earning star your company, family and friends will truly love.

Perhaps, you lack in self confidence, or you tried a bunch of different ways to be successful because you really despise working for someone else to make them wealthy and all their dreams come true, and nothing has worked. And you keep getting fired from every place you have ever worked.

Perhaps, you have so much debt you have to work as a seasonal temporary employee for ever and your father disowns you because your broke and he's tired of loaning you money, and you can only afford to live in a 10' x 10' ghetto room where you hear shots fired daily.

Perhaps, you were in foreclosure and had to sell your deceased Mom's home so you could at least earn some equity and then, you loan sharked your car title because no one will hire you for your past blunders.

Now, if you want to be successful, this article will help you out and tell you how to became an executive in your own home based business with over $747,000 in sales and 100 people on your sales team like Joe Murphy.

So how do you do it? By practicing, studying and teaching of course, but people will think your a natural and you got lucky.

The real truth about it is: you will have to pay for some training because you won't always be able to find value like this for free everywhere you look. But you do have to start somewhere. Keyword: start.

Why home business you may ask? Because you can work in your home where ever you feel free to set up your home. Perhaps, you like to travel and enjoy glamping abroad. Perhaps, your favorite football team is the Seattle Seahawks and you want to move to Washington. With a home based business, you can have the freedom to live and work from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection, a laptop, and reliable cloud storage.

So why should you build a big huge brand on line? Why not? Over 800 billion people in the world have a smartphone or a tablet and an internet. The sky is the limit. The opportunity is out there. How do you know? Well, perhaps, a friend of yours works for a call center for several name brand  eCommerce websites and someone crazy at work set up a spreadsheet and told the entire department to enter the sales they took over the phone during Black Friday and at the end of the day one website reported over 300 million dollars in sales last year. This year, 2015 Black Friday sales reported an 87% increase from last year! So what are you waiting for? Go create success! Here's how.

First, you have to stop caring when people say "no". You have to stop trying to close everyone. You realize this is a numbers game. The more people you talk to increases your chances of someone saying "yes" and accept the "no's" along the way. If you are only hearing a couple of no's per week, you are not presenting your offer to enough people. Find a way to be motivated. Think about your embarrassing past. Be accountable for your productivity. Measure your own metrics. Create a worthy sales contest. Learn how to market on the internet. 

And, if you want to be the best, you must invest! You invest in training with books and courses. It is a privilege to learn the skill sets to become a professional business man or woman. Hire a coach, join a mastermind group, invest your time and energy and focus.

Here are some awesome sauce rock stars you may like to learn from. 
  • Todd Flacone
  • Cesar Rodriguez
  • Dani Johnson
  • Tim Sales
  • George Zalucki
  • Jerry Clark
  • Lisa Sasevich
  • Mark Hoverson
  • Jordan Belfort - Wolf on Wallstreet
  • Tom Challan
  • Eric Worre
  • Maria Andros
  • Mark Yarnell
  • Dan Kennedy
  • Dave Van Hoose
  • Mike Dillard 
  • Vince Reed
  • Erway
  • Genius Network
  • Dwayne Golden
  • Dale Calvert
  • Ray Higdon
  • Ted Nicholas
You want your actions to become automatic like when you trained for long poker tournaments. You study and practice until you become a natural. Your actions become automatic without having to think it over too long. You just do it without thinking about it. You feel fear, but you act anyway. You take the lead. You become aggressive. Life rewards aggression. We don't care about the no's. We did our part. We offered help. We keep looking for the little seed diamonds! We keep right on looking for the ones who are going to say "yes"!

Practice This Excercise
  • Walk into a crowded room and go up to 5 people you don't know.
  • Ask them if they would like to join your team.
  • If one says "no", move on to the next one.
Here's a script you can use.

You: Hi, my name is ___________ and I am looking for 5 people to join my team today. Would you like more information?

Don't worry about the outcome. Just do it for practice and to get used to talking to people we don't know. We want to get used to being turned down and hearing the word "no".

Who is our target market? What are our demographics? We are looking for people who have not been successful in building a home business, but have the desire to be successful owning their own business.

How is your warm market? Are you respected in your warm market so people just automatically sign up and join your team whenever you let them know your doing something new? Are there any people in your warm market you may be able to call who will give you their credit card number so you may sign them up with no questions asked? It doesn't matter what your script is when you are a leader and a sales rock star in your warm market. 

On the other hand, if people in your warm market are burnt out on you because you have tried everything on the market and keep bouncing from idea to idea or business to business, then here are some scripts you may use.

Lead with the Product

You: Hi, I'm doing this new business, and I know for certain this business is not a good fit for you, but I thought you might like the product.

You: Again, I know your not interested at all in this business opportunity, but go check out this brief video/article/whatever about the product. You might like it.

Don't let your guard down and be trapped into talking about the opportunity. They are expecting for you to talk about the opportunity. Don't do it. Let the product do the talking. If they are interested in the opportunity, they will ask.

Cold Market

What are some benefits of marketing to the cold market? 
  • The market is large.
  • They don't know you haven't succeeded in anything you have ever tried. 
  • The market is everywhere.
The market is scary. Learn how to think. There is no magical do what I do system. There is no such thing as something for nothing. You have to work at it.

Here is the off line mindset for script ideas. Not for social media.
  • We are already here now face to face.
  • We may as well positively impact someone's life and make money. 
  • We may help someone change their life. 
  • We will never know if we may help someone change their life unless we give them the opportunity.
  • We owe it to them to tell them about the opportunity.
  • Our opportunity allows the average person to earn an above average income if we are willing to do the work.
Practice Script
  • What is it? Practice what you will say when they ask you what it is after you approach them. 
  • First, tell them you have to go pick up your girlfriends kid and take him to basketball practice, or you have to be on a conference call and you have to go. This allows you to re-group and get back to them later. 
  • I'm just curious, would you be open to a side project if it didn't interfere with what you are doing now? I'm real busy right now.
  • Oh, you may not have heard me. I will repeat it. Will you be open to a side project, if it did not interfere with what you are doing right now? 
The thing about having to go somewhere is called a break in communication and you want to do it so you won't be put on the spot when they ask you what it is. This allows you to be able to follow up with them later. 

1. Do the break in communication thing and then the side project question.
2. They ask what is it?
3. Re affirm the BIC (break in communication) and promise them you will follow up with them.
4. If they insist on knowing what it is first, apologize and move on.

Just go ahead and walk away. Apologize and tell them you have to go. If they insist on knowing what it is before they will share their information with you, then it's okay to walk away. How pleasant will it be for you to work with them if they are barking at you now about what it is?

Who is in control? Who has posture? You are. You, the professional big business rock star sales and internet marketing guru. Use a powerful break in communication and promise them you will follow up with them.